When you write, every character has a background, and the writer knows it. Every character is meshed into the plot. Ther are 2 types of characters: dynamic and static. In real life, there is no one that is static.
My 1st companion wast the brilliant Sister Corbitt who unfortunatley had to go through emotional Sister Powell. Bless her heart. Sister Corbitt is pretty much exactly like me but ten times more brilliant. She loves her family ver much, especially her mother. She is a genius and "conversational" in Math, Spanish, Music, and just about everything. She pushed me with the language. The Portuguese I know now is all because of her. Shet taught me to love someone other than my family. I prayed every night that she would get her vis (not because I wanted to get rid of her, nunca!) but because I knew how badly she wanted to get to Brazil. And she did get her visa. Sister Corbitt is changing Brazil for the better. Sister Corbitt is passionate. Everything is important to her as it should be. The most important thing to her, from what I gathered, is the Plan Of Salvation. Her testimony is so strong and beautiful she tells everyone it without hesitation. Sister Corbitt looked for the good in everyone. Every soul was precious including our "investigators" She prayed for them with all her heart and put their names in the temple. She was true missionary the moment she walked in the mtc. The gospel was her life. SHe expected the best in everyone: honesty, love and respect. She was devasted when they weren't because she saw what they were capable of. Her ability to see my capablity wanted me to be more christlike the ever. Sister Corbitt trusted the Lord enough to know what was capble of was high. HEavenly Father was first to her, and her best friend. Angels were surrounding her, and supporting her. I don't think she realized just how loved she was by everyone that was around her. Our district loved her, the teachers loved her, and I loved her. She was missed when she left.Sjster Corbitt is one of my best friends and I am so excited to speak Portuguese and hangout with her after the mission.
Sister Parks is my 2nd companion. Sister Parks is the most loving person you will ever meet. SHe is from Idaho. She has a huge family, and just about as crazy as my family:) She loves her family a whole lot. She exemplified the Atonement. Her ability to forgive and forget is amazing. She put the needs of everyone before her and she was the radio in the shower room. Haha. Sister Parks taught me the importance of letting go and moving foreward. Shet tautht met otlove everyone I meet. The most crazy and most spiritual things happened with her, and she prepared me for futrure companions. I love Sister Parks.
Sister Hall was my "mother". Sister Hall taught me thte importance of having fun as a missionary.I had the awesome chance to live with her for her last six weeks to get toknow her better. SHe is selfless. She let go of a great job, her life, and everything else to serve a mission. My week with her in the beginning taught me to be bold every moment of the day. She taught me the importance of leaning on your Heavenly Father no matter how old or far in life you get, you have your Heavenly Father. She taught me it was okay not to know everything or be perfect, answers and testimonies are always growing and coming. Sister Hall is Hiliarious, spiritual , beautiful and a true leader. She was and is San Jose California's best StL.
Sister Jones was my other "mother". The moment I saw her I loved her. She is stinking Hilaiarious and I don't think she means to be. She is a sheltered Utah Mormon through and through. She hates spending money, but she loves to be obedient. Every decision she made was leaned towards pleasing the Lord. I was mazed how she could rip out her scriptures and know what to read. She loved her members and investigatrs. She taught me to speak in a lesson even if I didn't know howt tos say something. I didn't Know spanish and neither did she, but we worked together.
Sister Zidek was my 5th companion. Sister Zidek is the greatest person you will ever meet. I am so sad I wasn't companions with her longer. We saw miracles together- and it was all because the want to be obedient and our love for God. Sister Zidek didn't know Spanish, I didn"t know Spanish, she wasn't trained, I wasn't trained, and we were thrown together. Por yeah! I can't even describe how strong the spirit was during our time together, and it was all because of Sister Zidek. SHe is the strongest girl you will ever meet. She is hilarious too- "what gender is the infant?"- inside joke y'all will never understand. Haha. She was exhauseted everyday from having to lead every converstation. her effort payed off and she was lucky enough to be fluent in Spanish by the time Ieft. We ran to our car to be home on time. We studied the write handbook and lived it so our heart area could flourish. She taught me that obedience brings miracles-obedience is a miracle in itself. I love Sister Zidek and I am so grateful for her.
Sister Fuimaono is the greatest Samoan you will ever meet. We rocked Livermore. It was a crazy six weeks. Running out of MSF money the 2nd week together, contacting super creepy men, almost dying multiple times (form laughter of course:)), teaching horrible lessons to dry mormons (Maggie and Joe), our only teaching pool was old women (RIP Siste Shueler:( ). She would serve me before I had the chance to serve her, little stinker. We never really had a bad day. We laughed and we worked hard. Sister Fuimaono was never afraid to teach anyone. She was always the first person to bear her testimony at Sacrament, at missionary meetings, on the streets, in homes and in our appartment. Every time we did companionship study, she alwasy had something life changin to say. The spirit flowed from her because she was determined to make the best of Livermore, where she has been her WHOLE entire mission. She taught me the importance of being friends with your companion, of laughing, of joking, of not being ashamed of any part of the gospel. She taught me it was okay to cry with a lost investigator. SHe taught me to keep looking, keep searching, everyone is prepared. Sister Fuimaono came from no walls Samoa, and is never leaving all 4 walls Livermore. Sister Fui made my life lighter and better.
Sister Tietjen is the most lively person you will ever meet. Alum Rock was a hard transfer, and we were faced with a lot of trials, but we made every day a celebration. Everynight we would count our miracles and dance. Sister Tietjen saw every moment of the day a miracle. She was brave and bold. She did not let one person walk by without talking to them and getting theri number. I have never given out so much referrals in my liffe. She knew the gospel like the back of her hand. In every lesson, I felt like the investigator. She said things in lesson that I needed to hear. She believed that she could do hard things. She believed we could set high goals and achieve them. I have never worked so hard in my life, because she is the most hard working Sister Missionary in San Jose California. My Testimony grew in every way wither her- prayer, the Book of Mormon, the love Heavenly Father has for me, eternal families. We worked together to build each other up. Sister Tietjen was an awesome 7th companion.
Sister Livingston is the most beautiful Sister Missionary you will ever meet on the inside and out. You can't help but smile when you are around her. She is probably the most perfect Sister Misionary you will ever meet: profesional, loving, perfectly obedient, fearless, and spirit guided. She never thought bad about anyone, and never spoke ill of anyone. I think Sister Livingston is a perfect PERSON really. She never let her testimony falter. She faced opposition with complete faith in the Lord. She helped me more than she will ever know. I felt like ther was something wrong with me, and that why I was being moved and not seeing success. I was searching for answers, and getting blessings, and not recieving anything. And she answered my prayers. She gave met the answer I needed. She treated everyone the same, and truly gave them her time. She truly listened to them, and let the spirit asnwer. SHe never allowed herself to be an unworthy instrument. No matter where shw was, she taught. She helped me see my purpose and the love my Heavenly Family has for me. She lifted my blindness and let me see a glimpse of the love that I knew before. Her patience, love, and strength taught me everyday. She is a true friend. I wish I could express the way she helped me.
Sister Weeks loves to do misisonary work more than anyone you will ever meet. She is foreward and bold, and concerning misisionary work, she displayed no fear. She walked boldly to every person she saw on the street. She was willing to hop out of the car to contact Every time she talked to member, strangers, investigators, and missionaries she was happy and made them feel loved. She gave the best hugs. No one had a bad thing to say about her because she always went the extra mile. Dinners with member were all about that. She loved to the extreme. She could get any appointment on the phone because she could love someone just by their voice and name. Oliver, our recent convert, said she was an angel and childlike. She was both. She saw everything with fresh eyes and thought everything in the world was amazing and beautiful. She saw things the way the Lord intended them to be. Her prayerse and testimony were simple and powerful, just like the gospel. They always touched my heart. I love Sister Weeks.
Sister Funaki is my 10th companion. Life with Sister Funaki has flown fast and has been filled with laughted. SIster Funaki is hilarious. She is the most animated human being you will ever meet. When she is happy, she is estatic. It is awesome an contagious. Her smile is always real. She is hard working and everyday she tries to be better. She loves everyone she meets. She loves the members with all her heart. Her concern is to strenthn their relationship with HEavenly Father. She goes into a home wanting to serve. She wants to know everything about them. Every detail, small or big, is important. And she remembers everyhing. We have struggled to find new investigators, but we have worked hard to look for them. We go out and contact. Sister funaki tries to relate with everyone we meet, and they alway remember her.. She teaches everyone and invites everyone. She loved all missionaries, especially her roommates. She serves for her family. She wants them to be forever, and I know that they will be because of her service. She helping me know that mine will be forever too. She is smart, and her willingness to learn teaches me every day. Everyday she teaches me to be better. I love her so much.
During district meeting, Elder Tonga asked us what resturant we would take the Savior to. Later in the meeting, after the question, he said our companion was the savior and we should be willing to take our companions to that same place. I have learned so much about the Savior and it was all because of those Sisters. I have learned about his suffering, his love, his patience, and his miracles. Through serving them, I have felt his hands. I have never felt so loved, and the want to be better. THey are making me better. I love my companions:)
This week was great! I love you all.
Love Sister Powell
(Sorry for all the mistakes- I was typing up like the wind!)
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