Hello Everyone!
Its been quite the week. I can honestly say thhat this has been the longest/best/hardest/spirtual experience of my life! And guess what? It will only get better :) I can also say that If I did not know that this Gospel was true I would not be here. This is not for me, I know that this is for the Lord and His children who dont have the fullness of the Gospel. This is for my brother and sisters who I love so much because I know how much my Father in Heaven loves them. Its weird I came in here expecting it to be like school, but its not at all. You are not taught here by people, you are taught by the spirit but also by yourself. You teach yourself the language. Which is really way cool. Our teachers are not here to teach us only to give us advice. Portuguese for me is coming really really slow but so fast at the same time! I can really only talk about the gospel. Which is good for the mission! But bad if I want cake or something. haha Something I am really working on is speaking. I have a hard time opening my mouth which is very humbling. Im not saying this to brag but one of the talents the Lord has given me is teaching with the spirit. But I need to figure out how to bring that talent to my portuguese. Sister Mann is really good at talking in our lessons, but I need to speak more. I know I will get it. I mean Ive only been here for 2 weeks and 3 days! I feel like I've been here foreverrrrrr! hahahaha I will get it because I have such strong faith that I will. Elder Scott came tuesday :) He blessed everyone listening that we would learn the language. He said that God has called us to learn one so remind him of that in our prayers. Praying is a sacred privledge so take advantage of it. I know that the Lord will help me do things that Ive never been able to do before. I know that this mission will be the foundation of my lifes work and that I will master this language. Ive been blessed by a an apostle that I would. How amazing is that? At the end of his talk after the closing song he rushed back to say "I know God lives, because I know Him. He has sent you on this mission and He has not set you up to fail." I feel like he was speaking directly speaking to me. The Gospel is so true. When Elder Scott left the room I felt God's spirit leave with Him. It made me cry. Sunday we had a cool experience. Our speaker talked about how the Lord uses everything to His advantage. He is using the Mormon Broadway show in England right now. The Church has bought so many billboards in England using Mormon.org/uk its so awesome! People that go see the show are so repulsed that they call the church. Families who have never heard of the church before are getting baptised! And now the church is growing in England. So amazing :) The Lord is hastening His work.
This week has been a hard one. But an amazing one. I am understanding the scriptures so much better and realizing how well I knew them. The spirit really does bring all things back to your remembrance. I have really found ways to improve my study habits. Which we all know is good. haha My teacher Brother Smith talked to me and said dont be afraid to speak. That that is the only way it will come. One of my goals is to learn how to give up my will for the Lords. I am studying it for 20 minutes a day. It all comes back to the First principle of the gospel, Faith. Faith leades to all things. The most important of which is action. It makes you want to live right and improve. If you arent living right check your faith and make it improve. It is only through faith (in the atonement) and action that comes through faith that we can be saved and not only do that but do all things. If we have a strong faith naturally our desires will be the Lords. Gods will will become ours because we want to live as Jesus would. Faith brings hope which keeps faith. Hope is a beautiful thing (study it.) I know that giving my agency to the Lord will allow me to do all things, because he can do all things.
My prayers have changed so much since being here. Really none of them are for me. They are all for you and my investigators.
My teachers are so amazing. I love them so much. I want to be like them. Brother Buttars taught a lesson on the plan of salvation that was so amazing and brother smith makes me want to be a better missionary.
My highlight of the week was hearing about Grandma! I have been praying so hard. Again it all comes down to faith. God can do all things :)
Everyone was suprised about how calm I was when I found out. But I just knew she would be okay :)
Funny moments. I still get lost. AND I RUN INTO EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE! haha Oh. I got a migrane this week. So a Doctor gave me heavy duty medicine and said to go to bed. But my companion is a Sister Training Leader so I didnt want her to miss class two days in a row so we went anyway. I completely zonked out in class and one moment I could not stop laughing. Kinda embarrassing. And one day I was sitting next two my teacher Brother Smitha and he was mumbling to himself and he stood up and completely broke the computer. For some reason I could not stop laughing at that either. But it was way funny. I guess you had to be there. haha or just have a lack of sleep.
I am so so so happy. Seriously. I dont think Ive ever been this happy :) Someone wrote me this week and said this (it might not be exact) "The gift of tongues, is that you learn the language fast enough to be a miracle, but still slow enough for it to be a test of faith." It is so true. I have seen so many miracles at the MTC. I know this Gospel is true with all my heart. I know that God lives and that He sent His son to die for us. I know that Jesus Christ was resurrected and that He still lives. I know this because Joseph Smith saw God and His beloved Son Jesus Christ. I know it with all my heart and I am not ashamed of that knowlege.
I love you all.
Keep on writing me.
IT makes the week go by so much faster.
You are all in my prayers.
If you're not a member and you are reading this talk to the missionaries :) Go to Mormon.org.
Talk to a Mormon :)
I love Sister Mann so much! She has become my best friend.
God loves you :)
Sister Powell
ps. Do I have moms right email?
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