Well it's been a long time coming, but Lynnette Wilson, now Lynnette Horner, Is finally baptized! She glows! I couldn't have been prouder. I've been teaching her since I came to Alabama and she even followed me over to Winchester! haha. She is so awesome. We had a little scare with her possibly going to jail due to too many speeding tickets (how does that happen), but it was all good! I love it. She is awesome.
Shondanay is going to be baptized this week! I love baptisms.
So let's see what has happened this week...
We are teaching an 89 year old woman- Hazel Thomas. She makes the sweet potatoes I've ever had and gives the best back tickle as well. haha. Needless to say, we love going over to her house. She has been Church of Christ all her life, but is very interested in learning from us. I love talking to her about her experiences in life. We have a hard time keeping the lessons focused because she is always going off on tangents (Don't worry mom and dad, I was finally given the birds and the bees talk). One of my favorite things to do now is to understand how others have come to believe the things they do believe. I love talking to people. I could listen all day-to her in particular.
I had a really interesting experience with a less-active woman the other day. Typically, I am well liked by people, but she didn't like me from the moment I walked in that door. After we got through teaching her, she proceeded to tear me apart (starting with the way I wore my hair, to the way I pronounced Louisiana, and then to my lack of earnestness in my speaking). It was interesting/comical/hard to listen to. And surprisingly I just thanked her for her criticism and left. The funny thing about it all, is that I keep thinking that we should go back to visit her. It must be hard to be so miserable- so miserably hard that it must just make you all the more miserable. So my goal before I leave this place is to get that woman to smile. Wish me luck.
President called me yesterday to tell me that Sister Bruno (The Brazilian) and I would be going on a road trip Taledga (no idea how to spell it...the race car place) to teach a brazilian! I'm pretty nervous/scared. Luckily Sister Bruno is a talker so I most likely will only be sharing my testimony here and there, but I'm excited to really use the language I've been studying. keep me in your prayers!
Well, I have to run. I love ya'll so much. I'm loving Alabama. I'm loving being a missionary! Thanks for helping me in this!
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